Jan Draft IN THE BAG
Jan Draft IN THE BAG
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It's that time of the time again where Mord makes news about fun things! Buckle your seatbelts because we got a lot.

This draft around we had Xekyen roll again because he proved himself a capable roller... Well he did get us some fun mobs this time too (although his last roll was terrible and I thought about revoking his rolling status for next draft...)
We bagged:

Obviously our first stop was Triples in Temple of Veeshan, where we all get our awesome armor from. Here we spent our first couple hours standing in a corner and dying. Nothing new or exciting, same old Lineage!

We stand in corner

We die in corner

Stand in corner

Mobs come to murder

Die in corner

Then after a while we run to another corner!

AND THEN?!?! A MIRACLE! 1 big boi dragon got murdered!

Then we proceed to spend another.... 4ish hours watching the other two dragons hold hands the rest of the night... with a few attempts.

We go to bed. Fresh eyes for Sunday! We'll murder them tomorrow guys! I know we will.
------------------------------END OF DRAFT DAY 1------------------------------

Welcome to DRAFT DAY 2!
Before Mordnacht went to ToV for more Dragon Hand Holding.... Lvl. 14 Mord slaughters some Sand Giants, providing her prowess as a leader! (No help at all)

Which obviously provided a lot of luck because:

TWO DRAGONS DOWN! That's right, all that learning and slow decline into madness paid off!

Then we went into Mord & Dhaali's House of Pain (Velks) and murdered Velketor the Sorcerer himself! Stole his boots and called it a day.
His body was in the wall and I forgot to get a picture, sorry. Believe me he dead though.

Lastly, we hit up Thurgadin and went for big boi DAIN!

Jumped down his Sparta kick well

Dhaali had to protect his rods, but still caught Feldrix red handed sitting on them in Skeleton form

Dain murdered us a few times, but he really hated Ryback...

We were stomping on this dwarf

Then Mord crashed, the clerics ran OOM, they were doing it until he WARPED at 0%?!
Mord came back to a graveyard... mass rezzes inc!

Finally we decided 1 more shot because we ALMOST HAD HIM!

------------------------------END OF DRAFT DAY 2------------------------------

Rest of the mobs don't matter. They boring. Boo.
They'll be murdered though!

News Reporter Mordnacht,

Signing out until next time x0x0!

Mordnacht 60 Cleric
Randomguy 60 Druid
Excellent reporting, Mord! Do I smell a Pulitzer???

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